Gratitude & Giving
God bestows many gifts to us. Let us return a portion of those gifts through pledging and giving so that we may grow our relationship with God as we help to grow the missions of our church.
There are many ways to participate in the work and mission of this Church. Financial stewardship supports the operation, worship and programs of the church. Pledges and lump sum gifts enable the Session to budget and plan. Making a commitment to pledge a certain amount to the church each year also helps individuals better allocate personal resources. A pledge is not a legal or contractual obligation but rather a spiritual act for the blessings that God has given to us. If a member cannot make a pledge or a lump sum gift they can make a commitment to give as much as they can.
1731 Legacy Planned Giving
Planned Giving to First (Scots) Presbyterian Church
All of us are indebted to the past, to those who precede us. We drink from wells we have not dug. We enjoy liberties we have not won.
We share faith whose foundations we have not laid.
At the same time, we are seeds of the future, for those who succeed us. We dream and envision and set things in motion. The fruition of our decisions will be known only to others whom we will not meet. We are called to partner in faith with those who have gone before us and to offer the best that we have to give to those who will follow. Find out more about the 1731 Legacy here: Planned Giving Information and sign up by clicking on the form button below.