Serving Within Our Walls
Opportunities to Serve During Worship
The Worship Division invites all members to participate in our worship services as bell ringers, ushers, Beadles, junior Beadles, lay readers, flower designers, and in the youth, adult, and bell choirs.
Other opportunities for service include Communion Guild, Scottish Heritage Sunday, the Parramore Preaching Series and other seasonal and special services. For more information, contact Karen Kuhn.

Bell Ringers
Bell ringers ring the church’s bell calling worshipers to service on Sunday mornings.
Ushers serve as a morning’s friendly face and carry the important responsibility of ensuring that all of our members and visitors feel welcome and comfortable within our sanctuary.
Lay Readers
Lay readers read the first scripture lesson at each Sunday worship service. Training or coaching is available for new lay readers.
Flower Designers
Flower Guild Designers arrange the flowers for the sanctuary year round. One volunteer (or two, if the guild members wish to work as a team) design the flower arrangements for the Sunday morning services. New members start out by pairing with an experienced member to learn the art of flower design appropriate for our sanctuary. Individual arrangements are done every Sunday during the year excluding wedding weekends, Easter week and the Christmas/Advent season.
The Beadle
The Beadle leads the congregation to worship by bringing the Bible into the pulpit. Typically the Beadle wears Scottish attire but this is not a requirement for service. A First (Scots) tartan sash that may be worn is available in the church office.
Docents are members of our congregation who volunteer to assist visitors in learning about the rich history of First (Scots). Following each service, docents are available to lead guided tours of our sanctuary, graveyard, and Massie Educational Building, as well as education visitors on the many accomplishments and contributions made by First (Scots) and its congregation.
Join Our Congregation
Have you been thinking about becoming more active in the church and joining the membership? If so, plan to attend one of our one-day Inquiry Classes that is offered three times each year. The class takes place on a Saturday at 9:00 a.m. and those who have completed the class are invited to join the church during the following Sunday worship service.
For more information or to reserve a spot in an upcoming Inquiry Class, please contact Karen Kuhn by email or by phone at 843-722-8882.